
Contact Us:

Most people that purchase products or services online want to be assured they can easily make contact and communicate with the company they are about to do business with.

Many online businesses don’t have a contact phone number published on their website, others may have one, usually however, you will rarely get a live human being to answer the phone, more commonly its going to be a voice messaging device.

Then there is the infamous recorded statement: “All of are customer service representatives are currently busy, please hold, and someone will be with you shortly”. Then, after patiently holding for several minutes, you hang up in frustration, sound familiar?

Another common issue is email response time: “Send us an email and we will respond within one business day.” Several days later, you are searching in your junk mail inbox hoping to find the response you’ve been waiting on, sound familiar?

These are some of the typical issues you may encounter when doing business with online internet companies. Not all internet companies treat their customers in this manner, but many do, and it can be extremely frustrating.

Our Firm takes great pride in its ability to communicate with its customers.

We offer several effective ways that you can communicate with us:

  • Live Interactive Disk-Top Chat
  • Direct Voice to Voice Phone Communication
  • Responsive Email Exchange
  • Mobile Phone Texting
  • Interactive Webpage Transmittal
  • Skype and Zoom Audio and Video Communication
  • U.S. Postal Service

Should you have a non-urgent question or comment you would like to submit, you're welcome to use the webpage transmittal form displayed below. Depending upon the complexity of your question, our response time is usually one business day.

Arthur Anderson